All Tests List
Equine Medicine
Individual Tests Alphabetically
- S = Serum tube
- EDTA = EDTA tube
- H = Heparin tube
- C = Citrate tube
- F = Fluoride oxalate tube
- S = Serum tube
- EDTA = EDTA tube
- H = Heparin tube
- C = Citrate tube
- F = Fluoride oxalate tube
- EDTA.Chilled whole blood. (If sending frozen then plasma must be separated by centrifugation)
- Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
- C (please also send a sample from a control horse)
- Adiponectin
- S (H, EDTA)
- Aerobic bacterial culture +/- sensitivity
- If sample is a swab, then ideally a charcoal swab.
- Albumin
- S (H)
- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
- S (H)
- Amylase
- S
- Anaerobic bacterial culture +/- sensitivity
- If sample is a swab, then ideally a charcoal swab.
- Anoplasma phagocytophilium (equine granulocytic anaplasmosis/ehrlichiosis) serology
- S
- Anoplocephala egg count
- Faeces (10g)
- Anoplocephala ELISA
- S
- Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)
- S (H)
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
- S (H)
- Bile acids (BA)
- S
- Blood/gas analysis
- H
- Calcium (ionised). Only as part of full electrolytes profile
- H
- Calcium (total)
- S
- Cardiac troponin I
- S
- Chloride (Cl–). Only as part of full electrolytes profile
- H
- Clostridium difficile toxins (A and B)
- Faeces
- Clostridium perfringens
- Faeces
- Coombs test
- Copper
- S or H
- Coronavirus PCR
- faeces
- Cortisol
- S
- Creatine kinase (CK)
- S (H)
- Creatinine
- S (H)
- Cross matching pre transfusion
- Cryptosporidium
- faeces (10g)
- Cytology
- Dermatophyte (Ringworm) PCR
- Hair pluck or skin scrape
- Direct bilirubin
- S
- Equine chorionic gonadotrophin (ECG)
- S
- Equine herpes virus 1 and 4 serology
- S
- Equine herpes virus 1 PCR and isolation
- NP swab/TW/CSF/H
- Equine herpes virus 2 PCR
- Swab/TW/BAL
- Equine herpes virus 4 PCR and isolation
- NP swab/TW/CSF/H
- Equine herpes virus 5 PCR
- Swab/TW/BAL
- Equine infectious anaemia (EIA) serology including Coggins
- S
- Equine influenza PCR
- NP swab
- Equine influenza serology
- S
- Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) serology
- S
- Faecal egg count
- Faeces (10g)
- Faecal occult blood test
- Faeces
- Fibrinogen
- C (EDTA)
- Fungal culture
- If sample is a swab, then ideally a charcoal swab. + Hair and skin scrapes.
- Gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT)
- S (H)
- Genetic tests (please call for full range)
- Globulin
- S (H)
- Glucose
- F (S)
- Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH)
- S (H)
- Glutathione peroxidase (GSPx)
- H
- Hepatic virus PCR (Hepacivirus and Parvovirus)
- EDTA or S
- IgG
- S or EDTA
- Indirect bilirubin
- S
- Inhibin
- S
- Insulin
- S
- Iron
- S
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Charcoal swab
- Lactate
- Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
- S (H)
- Lawsonia intracellularis PCR
- Faeces
- Lawsonia intracellularis serology
- S
- Leptospirosis
- S
- Lipase
- S
- Liver fluke serology
- S
- Lyme disease serology (borreliosis)
- S
- Magnesium
- S
- Oestrogen
- S
- Oestrone sulphate (OS)
- S
- Oxyuris equi (pinworm)
- Acetate strip
- PCV/TP (manual)
- EDTA (H)
- Phosphate
- S
- Piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi and Theileria equi) serology
- S
- Polysaccharide storage myopathy type 1 (PSSM1)
- 30 – 40 mane or tail hairs with root or EDTA
- Potassium (K+). Only as part of full electrolytes profile
- H
- Progesterone
- S
- Prothrombin time (PT)
- C (please also send a sample from a control horse)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Charcoal swab
- Redworm ELISA
- S
- Rhodococcus equi culture and VapA PCR
- TW (plain), swab, pus
- Rhodococcus equi serology
- S
- Rotavirus
- Faeces
- Salmonella culture and PCR
- Faeces or faecal swab
- Selenium
- S or H
- Serum amyloid A (SAA)
- S
- Serum protein electrophoresis
- S
- Sodium (Na+). Only as part of full electrolytes profile
- H
- Streptococcus equi equi serology (A and C)
- S
- Streptococcus equi equi culture and PCR
- NP swab, plain swab, TW/BAL/GP wash (plain)
- Taylorella equigenitalis (CEM)
- Charcoal swab
- Testosterone
- S
- Thyroxine (T4)
- S
- Total bilirubin
- S (H)
- Total Protein (TP)
- S (H)
- Triglycerides
- S
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
- S
- Urea
- S (H or EDTA)
- Urinalysis
- Urinary cortisol: creatinine
- Vitamin E
- S or H
- Zinc
- S (non-rubber)
- General screen – Haem, total protein, albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, SAA, CK, AST, GGT, ALP, GLDH, urea, creatinine.
- EDTA, S and C
- Performance profile – Haem, total protein, albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, SAA, CK, AST, GGT.
- EDTA, S and C
- Inflammatory profile – Haem, total protein, albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, SAA, plus iron on request.
- EDTA, S and C
- Haematology – RBC, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCHC, MCH, RDW, platelets, WBC and differential
- Neonatal profile – Haem, total protein, albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, SAA, creatinine.
- EDTA, S and C
- Liver profile – Haem, total protein, albumin, globulin, bilirubin, AST, GGT, ALP, GLDH, bile
- EDTA and S
- Renal profile – Haem, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, calcium, PO4
- EDTA and S
- Electrolytes – Na+, K+, Cl, Calcium (total and ionised), magnesium, phosphate.
- H and S
- Clotting profile – PT, APTT.
- C (please also include a control sample from a healthy horse)
- Samples for pre-breeding certification must be collected according to HBLB Codes of Practice –
- Endometrial smear cytology +/- culture and sensitivity
- Charcoal Swab
- Taylorella equigenitalis
- Charcoal Swab
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Charcoal Swab
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Charcoal Swab
- EVA Serology
- S
- EIA serology
- S
All panel tests available as individual tests
- PPID/Cushings. We strongly advocate assessment of insulin function alongside PPID testing.
- Basal ACTH
- EDTA. Chilled whole blood. (If sending frozen then plasma must be separated by centrifugation.)
- TRH stimulation test. (This has increased sensitivity for the detection of PPID. ACTH is measured pre and 10 minutes post TRH injection. Please contact us if you need a free TRH kit
- EDTA. Chilled whole blood. (If sending frozen then plasma must be separated by centrifugation)
- Endocrine laminitis panel (Basal ACTH, insulin, adiponectin(currently unavailable), triglycerides, glucose)
- Glucose challenge tests. Measure insulin and glucose 60-90 minutes post feeding 45ml/kg of Karo Light corn syrup. Please contact us if you need Karo syrup
- S and F
- Insulin
- S
- Adiponectin
- S
- Basal ACTH
- Granulosa cell panel (Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Testosterone and Progesterone).
- S
- AMH Rig Test
- S
- Pregnancy
- Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (45 – 95 days since last mated)
- S
- Oestrone Sulphate (120 days gestation – late term)
- S
- Progesterone (provide support to early diagnosis)
- S
- Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (45 – 95 days since last mated)
All panel tests available as individual test
- BAL and tracheal wash cytology +/- culture and sensitivity
- Streptococcus equi equi
- NP swab, plain swab, TW/BAL/GP
- Culture
- NP swab, plain swab, TW/BAL/GP
- Serology (A and C)
- S
- Respiratory PCR panel (Streptococcus equi equi PCR, Equine Influenza PCR, EHV-1 PCR, EHV-4 PCR.
- NP swab
- Respiratory serology panel (Streptococcus equi equi, Equine Influenza, EHV-1 and 4)
- S
- Rhodococcus equi
- Culture
- Trach wash (plain), swab, pus
- VapA PCR
- Trach wash (plain), swab, pus
- VapA serology
- S
- Culture
All panel tests available as individual tests
- Adult Diarrhoea Profile (Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile toxins, Salmonella culture, WEC)
- Faeces (at least 10g)
- Young foal Diarrhoea Panel (Cryptosporidium, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile toxins, Rotavirus, Salmonella culture)
- Faeces (at least 10g)
- Coronavirus PCR
- Faeces
- Lawsonia intracellularis PCR
- Faeces
- Lawsonia intracellularis serology
- S
- Salmonella PCR
- Faeces
- Microscopy
- Brushings, slides, acetate strips, hair plucks
- Bacterial culture and sensitivity
- Charcoal swab
- Fungal culture
- Swab or skin scrape / hair pluck
- Dermatophyte PCR
- Skin scrape or hair pluck
- Urinalysis
- Culture and sensitivity
- Urinary GGT:creatinine ratio
- Fractional electrolyte clearance – Urine and S
- Anoplasma phagocytophilium (equine granulocytic anaplasmosis/ehrlichiosis) serology
- S
- Anoplocephala egg count
- Faeces (10g)
- Anoplocephala ELISA
- S
- Borelliosis (Lyme disease)
- S
- Clostridium difficile toxins (A and B)
- Faeces
- Clostridium perfringens
- Faeces
- Coronavirus PCR
- Faeces
- Cryptosporidium
- Faeces (10g)
- Dermatophyte (Ringworm) PCR
- Hair pluck or skin scrape
- Equine herpes virus 1 and 4 serology
- S
- Equine herpes virus 1 PCR and isolation
- NP swab/TW/CSF/H
- Equine herpes virus 2 PCR
- Swab/TW/BAL
- Equine herpes virus 4 PCR and isolation
- NP swab/TW/CSF/H
- Equine herpes virus 5 PCR
- Swab/TW/BAL
- Equine infectious anaemia (EIA) serology including Coggins
- S
- Equine influenza PCR
- NP swab
- Equine influenza serology
- S
- Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) serology
- S
- Faecal egg count
- Faeces (10g)
- Hepatic virus PCR (Hepacivirus and Parvovirus)
- EDTA or S
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Charcoal swab
- Lawsonia intracellularis PCR
- Faeces
- Lawsonia intracellularis serology
- S
- Leptospirosis
- S
- Liver fluke serology
- S
- Lyme disease serology (borreliosis)
- S
- Oxyuris equi (pinworm)
- Acetate strip
- Piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi and Theileria equi) serology
- S
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Charcoal swab
- Rhodococcus equi culture and VapA PCR
- TW(plain), swab, pus
- Rhodococcus equi serology
- S
- Rotavirus
- Faeces
- Salmonella culture and PCR
- Faeces or faecal swab
- Redworm ELISA
- S
- Streptococcis equi equi serology (A and C)
- S
- Streptococcus equi equi culture and PCR
- NP swab, plain swab, TW/BAL/GP wash (plain)
- Taylorella equigenitalis
- Charcoal swab